AGI32 software & LIGMAN's Instabase
LIGMAN are developing online product instabase for AGI32 users for support their lighting design and light planing. AGI32 is comprehensive lighting calculations, ease of modeling, and fast, high-quality rendering for almost any interior or exterior environment, including Daylighting.

AGI32 is a computational program that performs numerical point-by-point calculations of incident direct or reflected light on any real surface or imaginary plane. Within this scope, it is used to predict or quantify the distribution of artificial or natural light in any environment.
AGI32 is a simple yet extraordinary model builder capable of constructing almost any architectural environment. Vaults, domes, curves, slopes and extrusions are easily created allowing you to accurately model the architectural elements you encounter everyday. For those with existing 3D models, AGI32 can import 3D geometry via DWG or DXF.

LIGMAN products Instabase for AGI32 -- Get it directly from your AGI32 software manufacturer plugin.